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Hello Australia, Knock Knock!!! There's a $1b dollar innovation opportunity on your door step...

Global companies, like Apple, Microsoft and IBM, see the Australian market as a potential incubator for new technologies and will ­explore the market opportunities presented by the NDIS. Shouldn't you?

According to an article published in The Australian this morning "the $22 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme will lead to a boom in science, technology, engineering and mathematics jobs as people spend about $1bn a year on devices and applications for accessibility."

The NDIS sees its role primarily as one of steering the ­innovation process but also as “co

llaborating and co-investing with organisations” to bring ideas and projects to fruition. The agency will establish an “innovation hub” to work with sectors such as aged care, private companies and consumer bodies.

But the most important message for businesses throughout our community is that people who are NDIS participants, people with disabilities, have money to spend. They are a market worth paying serious attention to. With NDIS funding and fired-up by the global disability rights movement people with disability are taking their rightful place in our community. And they are looking for businesses ready to provide exceptional products, services, spaces and experiences that meet their needs and exceed their expectations. It makes great business sense to be one of those businesses – especially in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie where (in case you’ve been living the last 2 years under a rock) NDIS is fully up and running.

Curb-Cut Effect ( can help you with your access and inclusion ​innovation strategies, marketing to people with a disability and staff training in disability confidence.

Contact me to explore your opportunities.


  • 4.2 million Australians have a disability*

  • That's almost 20% or 1 in 5 Australians with a disability*

  • 1.3 million Australians have a severe or profound disability**

  • It is estimated that in 2099 that more than 4 million Australians with have a severe or profound disability. That's more than triple the current number.**


**Price Waterhouse Coopers

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© 2015 by Curb-Cut Effect

ICD# 9819649

When we invent, innovate, and create with greater equality, dignity and accessibility in mind we develop better products, services, spaces and experiences for everybody. 


By being inclusive businesses enhance their image, improve their bottom line and get more customers with greater loyalty.


It's called the Curb-Cut Effect.

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